Good Beer Guide 2023 nominations
If you are a Bradford Branch member, nominations are now being accepted for real ale pubs within the branch area to be considered for entry into the Good Beer Guide 2023 (yes, already – blame the publication schedules!). Details on how to submit nominations can also be obtained by speaking with a Branch Committee member at one of the regular branch social events.
The rules for submitting nominations are given on the website. The main ones are:
1) You must be a Bradford Branch member.
2) Please include your name and CAMRA membership number with your submitted nominations. If this information is not included, the nominations will not be counted.
3) Pubs to be nominated should consistently serve real ale of good quality and in excellent condition at all times.
4) Pubs must be within the Bradford Branch area to be counted.
5) A maximum of 20 pubs can be nominated by any one person.
6) To demonstrate a sufficient period of providing good quality real ale, pubs that were opened after 30th June 2021 are not eligible for nomination.
Acceptance of nominations will be closed at the Branch Meeting to be held on Wednesday 19 Jan 2022 – unless a decision is made to extend the nomination process at that meeting.